4. Different Interpretation for Different Types of Attractions. 4.4 Caves, Extreme Nature Areas
- Ivan Hilliard 2
- Alberto Moreno Melgarejo 2
- Marina Mattera 2
- David Mora Gómez 2
- Luis Lacalle Muñoz de Cuerva 2
- Máximo Cortés 2
- Issa Torres 2
- Tiziana Priede 2
- Antonio Jesus Pinto Tortosa 2
- Elena María Pérez González 1
Universidad Europea de Canarias
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Publisher: Prague University of Economics and Business, Oeconomica Publishing House
ISBN: 978-80-245-2493-1
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 182-209
Type: Book chapter
Human fascination with caves is based principally on two factors. On the one hand,caves offer an insight into the mystery of the Earth’s history since the formationprocess is related to the planet’s evolution itself. On the other hand, caves used to serveas home and shelter for human communities during the Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Bronzeand Iron Ages. Hence, they provide us with material remains of the first human groupsthat inhabited the Earth, which is crucial to understanding their economic, political,and social organisation, at a time when written testimony was still non-existent.
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