Consulting Lab: aprendizaje experiencial para la generación Y mediante la creación de espacios de intercambio entre los estudiantes y el mercado de trabajo
- Baena Graciá, Verónica 1
- Moreno Melgarejo, Alberto 1
- Rodríguez Gómez, María del Pilar 1
Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Domingo Verano Tacoronte (coord.)
Publisher: ESIC Editorial
ISBN: 9788416701094
Year of publication: 2016
Congress: XXX Congreso Anual de la Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa (AEDEM). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 8, 9 y 10 de Junio de 2016.
Type: Conference paper
This article describes an educational project carried out during the academic year 2014/2015 designed from the teaching methodology of experiential learning and specifically arranged to Generation Y. The initiative promotes the creation of spaces for exchange between our students and the job market, thereby strengthening professionallyoriented training in our degree programs and opening new means of contact and collaboration with the professional world. In doing so, students also developed different soft skills such as teamwork, responsibility, leadership, professional-oriented skills, conflict management, communication skills, innovation and approach to professions through the implementation of the development of real external projects co-evaluated by the collaborating institutions, their teachers and their peers. Moreover, as the methodology was specifically designed for Generation Y, student’s motivation and involvement were considerably increased leading to satisfactory learning outcomes.