
Doctor by the Universidad Europea de Madrid with the thesis La ansiedad en estudiantes de odontología determinación de cortisol, alfa-amilasa salival y respuesta cardiovascular ante la realización de diversas actividades académicas 2013. Supervised by Dr. Mª Luisa Somacarrera Pérez.

have a Degree in Dentistry from the European University of Madrid (2002) and a Ph.D. with European Mention (European University-University of Riga Stradins) in 2013 with the qualification of Excellent Cum Laude. In the field of research, I completed pre-doctoral stays at the University of Riga, a prestigious research center twinned with the Karolinska Institute, to obtain my European Ph.D. in 2013. Subsequently, I went to the same university as a visiting professor. I did two research stays in the USA, at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2017 and 2018, in the laboratory of salivary molecular research and head and neck cancer invited by the dean of research Dr. Wong, and in the department of Oral Medicine under the guidance of Dr. Messadi. Throughout my research career, I have published 18 indexed articles, ten of them with impact in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (seven articles in T1 and three articles in T2). One of them, related to oral lesions associated with COVID-19, already has more than 191 citations. I am the principal investigator of the oral medicine and special patients group. I have collaborated in the chapters of four books on dentistry, I have won 13 awards at conferences, I have been part of doctoral thesis tribunals and I am currently directing 5 doctoral thesis projects at the European University, and 1 co-direction at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In the teaching field, I have accumulated approximately 5,920 teaching hours. I have taught undergraduate courses in Oral Surgical Medical Pathology and Special Care Dentistry (100% in English) at the European University of Madrid. I collaborate with several postgraduate courses in Oral Medicine and Periodontology at a national level, including Rey Juan Carlos University, Complutense University of Madrid, Santiago de Compostela University, and Barcelona University. I am the coordinator of Medical and Surgical Oral Pathology II, III and Integrated Clinic of Special Care Patients at the European University of Madrid. I am currently the Director of the Master in Dental Aesthetics at the Universidad Europea de Madrid since 2018. Since 2015, I have actively participated in collegial management tasks in the College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the 1st Region (COEM), first as a member of the Governing Board, and currently as elected Secretary-General of the same Governing Board of the COEM since January 2020. I have combined my part-time teaching and research activity with my clinical dental practice since 2002. As for my lines of work, my research activity focuses on oral medicine, salivary biomarkers for the diagnosis of diseases, and, recently, aesthetic and adhesive dentistry. My clinical practice focuses on comprehensive oral rehabilitation, aesthetics, and oral medicine.