Perceived Emotional Intelligence in education teachers from different stages
Universidad Europea de Madrid
- César Fernández Fernández (coord.)
ISBN: 978-1-312-18806-8
Año de publicación: 2014
Páginas: 1-20
Tipo: Capítulo de Libro
Over time, in education we are experiencing very rapidchanges. In schools students are increasingly and increasinglyheterogeneous and socio economic changes we are experiencinghave forced teachers to continually change hats to fit every one ofthe situations experienced in day to day. There is a very significantstep that has taken the figure of teaching in recent years, and as ithas evolved coming to become a professional not only with theability to transmit knowledge but also that teacher with the abilityto rework their methods teaching constantly learning, adapting totechnology, to the constant cultural and social changes, enhancerknowledge society mediator between students, with the ability tocontrol emotions and manage conflicts.
Referencias bibliográficas
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