Measuring the impact of a company’s digital strategy on customer based brand equity

  1. Ward, Cecilia 1
  2. Baena Graciá, Verónica 1
  1. 1 Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Madrid, España


15th International Marketing Trends Conference

Year of publication: 2015

Congress: 14th International Marketing Trends Conference, París, 22nd-24th January 2015.

Type: Conference paper


The paper sets out to conceptualize a new construct, digital Identity; a recently developed key performance indicator used by practitioners and designed to assess a firm’s multichannel marketing strategy in terms of web access, mobile device access and social network presence. The second objective is to empirically validate the construct and its dimensions and to examine its nomological validity by exploring its influence on well established brand equity measures. Using a sample of the top 85 companies on the Spanish stock exchange IBEX, the study explores the relationship between the degree of development of a company’s multichannel marketing strategy and its level of customer based brand equity.

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