El papel de la experiencia del terapeuta en la aplicación de reglas en el contexto clínico

  1. Vargas-Cruz, I.
  2. Pardo-Cebrián, R.

ISSN: 2340-0242

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Ausgabe: 2

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 36-51

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: CONDUCTUAL


Although there are a lot of research papers that emphasize the importance of the study of rules in the clinical field, there is a lack of studies about the rules emitted by the therapist along the therapeutic process. On the one hand, the objective of the study was to analyze the change in the type of rule according to different moments of the therapy and, on the other hand, it was to analyze if the grade of experience represents an important variable that affects this change. We analyzed the rules emitted by two therapists, one expert and the other non-expert, in two clinical cases with the same problem. The rules were categorized according to the SISC-REGLAS-T system. Rules were categorized using the category system “SISC-REGLAS-T”. Both therapists changed their rules according to different moments of the therapy, however, the expert therapist seems adapted the type of rule according to different therapeutic tasks and goals to be achieved at different moments of the clinical process.

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