El consumo de pornografía en varones heterosexuales como contexto de aprendizaje

  1. Abalo Rodríguez, Inés 1
  2. Alario Gavilán, Mónica
  3. Andrés López, Natalia 2
  4. Gálvez Delgado, Elena
  5. Pardo Cebrián, Rebeca 3
  6. Arévalo Saiz, Laura 3
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

  2. 2 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01cby8j38

  3. 3 Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04dp46240

Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies

ISSN: 2444-1198

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 15

Pages: 5-35

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies


Currently, there is growing concern about the impact that pornography consumption can have on both affective-sexual relationships and sexual violence. This article analyses, from a psychological perspective, the multiple learning processes that its consumption makes possible for heterosexual men, taking into account the contextual and social variables in which this practice takes place. The aim is to answer questions such as: how pornography consumption influences sexual arousal, why pornographic content of increasing violence is consumed, why pornography is consumed on a massive scale, what behavioralrules are drawn from pornography and what consequences pornography consumption has on interpersonal relationships. The linguistic labelling of the content of pornography as "sexual practices" rather than "violence" is one of the key variables that could facilitate the generalizationand transfer of these learnings to the interpersonal context. Scientific analyses such as the one proposed here make it possible to reduce the influence of normative and decontextualizedexplanations of phenomena such as the consumption of pornography, and to favora critical review of it. In this way, the aim is to unmask some of the mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance of this practice and its possible consequences on the "sexuality" of its consumers and on the "sexual" relationships they establish with women

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