Nuevas herramientas para la enseñanza de la traducción: LMS y LCMS

  1. Jiménez Ramírez, Jorge 1
  1. 1 Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Madrid, España


IV Jornadas sobre la formación y profesión del traductor e intérprete

ISBN: 8495433133

Year of publication: 2004

Congress: IV Jornadas sobre la formación y profesión del traductor e intérprete. Villaviciosa de Odón, 25 -27 de febrero, 2004.

Type: Conference paper


The implementation of electronic tools in the learning process is growing exponentially. The reasons are varied. However, the Humanities are falling behind with the needs of the Information Society. The main object of this paper is to present how Learning Management Systems (LMS)can be successfully exploited to teach Humanities in general, and Translation, in particular. Besides, the theoretical issues brought about by the Information Society will be presented so as to gain a better understanding of the ongoing renovation experienced in Education thanks to these electronic tools. The paper also advances a possible solution to Learning Management Systems faults.

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