Valores baropodométricos y estabilométricos para la detección de caídas en población adulta mayor

  1. Sánchez Sanjuan, Almudena
Supervised by:
  1. Carlos Romero Morales Director
  2. Antonio Gómez Bernal Co-director
  3. Helios Pareja Galeano Co-director

Defence university: Universidad Europea de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 31 January 2023

  1. Jaime Almazán Polo Chair
  2. Myriam Cabrera Guerra Secretary
  3. Jorge Velázquez Saornil Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 824277 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


INTRODUCTION Falls are the second leading cause of non-accidental death. In addition, they are becoming more frequent in the older adult population. In the last decade, the elderly population has been increasing progressively due to a longer life expectancy. Falls are an important Indicator of frailty in geriatrics and; They are the cause of fractures, disability and even death. Structural alterations of the feet, posture, gender, age, body mass index (BMI) and physical activity have been proposed as predisposing factors for falls. TARGET To study the baropodometric and stabilometric values in the elderly population according to the risk of falls. MATERIALS AND METHODS Observational descriptive study of cases and controls for the comparison of risk factors that influence stability in elderly patients. A total of 164 subjects (70,89±5,27 years, 60,74% women) are people over 65 years of age with no history of visual, cognitive or previous surgical alterations that affect standing or compression or the study. They were divided into two groups according to their history of falls in the last five years: case group (N=83) and control group (N=81). The anthropometric variables of each patient, the structural alterations of the foot, the foot posture, the level of activity and the baropodometric and stabilometric analysis were collected. An analysis of normality of the quantitative variables of the study is performed using the Shapiro-Wilk test, with p being greater than or equal to 0.05. RESULTS The height of the patients was inversely associated with subjects who suffered falls being 162 The frequent consequences were minor injuries, being 65.06%. 8720% of the sufTered some structural pathology feet the most frequent being claw toes (73,17%, p=0,256), followed by I-Iallux Abductus VaIgus (HAY) (59, 15%, p=0,03()). The patients who suffered falls showed Inore I-IAV (57, 73%, than the controls (42,27%), with the presence of HAV predominating in the female gender (72,730/ OR-2,96, p In subjects older than 70 years with HAV, the percentage of falls was (OR=4,07, p=0,006) compared to subjects of the same age with HAV who had not suffered falls. 53 330/ (OR=l,50, p=0,256) of patients with claw toes have suffered falls, this alteration Predominating in women (74, 75%, p=0,330). Regarding the foot posture, the falls in the subjects with the pronated foot is greater (63,04%) compared to the percentage of falls in the very pronated feet (31,25%). Patients who perform physical activity often (5 to 7 days per week) (30, 3%, p=0,040), have a 62% lower risk of falling than patients who do not perform physical activity (53.,90%). The logistic regression model to assess the influence of the different variables analyzed showed that an increase in BMI, the presence ofHAV, the presence of claw toes, female gender and the absence of physical activity increase the probability of falling. CONCLUSIONS The main consequences of falls in older adults are bruises and contusions. The patient's older age, female gender, higher BMI, the presence of HAV and claw toes, foot posture and a lower level of physical activity are influential factors in the probability of suffering falls.