Ensayo clínico aleatorizado en pacientes COVID- 19 sobre el efecto de la fisioterapia precoz en su acondicionamiento físico

  1. M. Suero-Domínguez 1
  2. B. González-Vallejo 1
  3. R. Esteban-Hernández 1
  4. M. Nogueira-López 1
  5. A.I. Montejo-García 1
  6. M.E. Muñoz-Bermejo 1
  7. B. Kindelan-Alonso 1
  8. I.J. Thuissard-Vasallo 2
  9. C. Andreu-Vázquez 2
  10. S. Arias-Rivera 3
  1. 1 Servicio de Rehabilitación, Hospital Universitario de Getafe (HUG), Madrid, España
  2. 2 Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM), Madrid, España
  3. 3 Unidad de investigación de enfermería, Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Getafe, Madrid, España

ISSN: 0211-5638

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 45

Issue: 6

Pages: 306-317

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.FT.2023.03.126 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Fisioterapia


Introduction The WHO recommends early rehabilitation and mobilization interventions in patients hospitalized for COVID-19. The benefits of early physiotherapy, during the hospital stay, have not been proven in clinical trials. Objective To evaluate the effects of early physiotherapy and health education in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, in relation to the symptoms described in previous studies, analyzing differences between groups regarding their physical conditioning, need for oxygen therapy and hospital stay. Methodology Randomized clinical trial with two arms, developed in hospitalization and intermediate respiratory care units, with COVID-19 patients. Sixty-four patients included in the experimental group (implementation of an early physiotherapy program after 48–72 h of admission) and 62 patients in the control group (usual treatment of the center). Sociodemographic and clinical variables: mMRC, oxygen therapy, MRC-SS, 30 s-STST, FPM, Tinetti, FRAIL-España and PCFS. They were evaluated on admission, discharge and two months after discharge. Results The experimental patients had fewer days of admission and conventional oxygen therapy. At discharge, they present a lower risk of falling (72.9% vs. 95.8%) and less weakness in MRC-SS (2.1% vs. 14.6%). At two months they had less frailty (5.0% vs. 14.5%), greater hand grip strength, less dyspnea, better results in 30s-STST and fewer post-COVID limitations (86.5% vs. 96.4%). Conclusión The intervention of early physiotherapy in COVID-19 patients and the health education received, prevents muscle weakness during admission, improves physical conditioning at discharge and two months later, and reduces the days of hospital stay.