Factores característicos en la pérdidaperspectiva teórica
- Valeria Moriconi 1
- Cristina Maroto
- María Cantero-García 2
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Universidad Internacional de Valencia
ISSN: 2660-4426
Argitalpen urtea: 2022
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 13-36
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cuidar: Revista de Enfermería de la Universidad de La Laguna
Grief is an emotional process of adaptation to loss. The main objective of this article is to identify the characteristic factors of loss that are synthesized as: «complicated grief» in order to arrive at a possible categorization of grief. A narrative review is carried out for which scientific articles published in the PubMed database have been reviewed and selected, using the following terms: «Grief» [Mesh], «Disenfranchised Grief» [Mesh], «Bereavement», «Complicated Grief», «Prolonged Grief», «Traumatic Grief», «Pathological Grief», «Maladaptative Grief», «Collective Grief», «Anticipatory Grief», «Grief Loss» and «Covid Grief». The results obtained show that knowing the categorization and the different types of grief helps to act preventively and intervene early to avoid complications in the grief process. Furthermore, this categorization will allow us to develop a better intervention in clinical practice.