Relación entre el tipo de práctica deportiva en la infancia y adherencia en edad adulta

  1. Juan Mercant Requena
  2. José Luis Felipe
Habilidad Motriz: revista de ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte

ISSN: 1132-2462

Ano de publicación: 2022

Número: 59

Páxinas: 6-17

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Habilidad Motriz: revista de ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte


The sports offer by sport clubs for the practice of their sport modality at an early age is increasing and at more premature ages, in order to attract new users to their clubs. This fact implies that we increasingly see an early sports specialization in young athletes who start practicing sports, on many occasions, without having a clear motivation for practicing a particular sport. For this reason, this research has been carried out analyzing the type of sports practice that the respondents carried out in their beginnings in the practice of physical activity (up to 12 years of age), as well as the current adherence that they have towards the practice or sport activity. Trying to relate whether or not sports were practiced at an early age, whether it was regulated or leisure, and whether there was also a specialization in a single modality or, on the contrary, several sports were performed, with the current levels of dedication to some type of physical activity

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