Sistema ACOVEO: una propuesta funcional para el análisis de la interacción verbal en terapia
- Ricardo de Pascual Verdú 2
- Carolina Trujillo Sánchez 1
- Elena Gálvez Delgado 1
- Natalia Andrés López 1
- Rocío Castaño Hurtado 1
- María Xesús Froxán Parga 1
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Europea de Madrid
ISSN: 2340-0242
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 7
Pages: 69-82
Type: Article
More publications in: Conductual
Process research in psychology deals with phenomena that occur during therapy, that account for theefficacy of a psychological treatment. Among these phenomena, the -- eminently verbal-- behaviour of thetherapist is the most critical factor to explaining clinical change because it is the therapist who isresponsible for shaping problematic behaviour in the sessions (Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991). The clinicalinteraction between client and therapist has been analysed from different theoretical perspectives, usingobservational methods to categorise the verbal behaviour occurring in the session. (Hill, 1978; Stiles, 1987;Callaghan, 1998). However, these systems have the limitation of only providing a descriptive classificationof behaviour. (Rodríguez-Morejón et al., 2018). Improving on earlier systems (Froján-Parga & RuizSancho, 2013), the aim of this study is to introduce a new Category System (ACOVEO System) that hastremendous advantages over earlier ones and which circumvents the limitations typical of other categoricalsystems. Its development was carried out in several phases that included discussions with psychologists,and the subsequent recategorization of clinical sessions. This allowed for inter-rater concordance analysisusing Cohen's Kappa coefficient, to reach a minimum criterion of 0.70. The new system is noteworthy forits functionality and ease of use, representing a further step in the construction of a valid and reliable toolwith which to approach the processes that make changes in therapy possible.
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