La coordinación del profesorado como necesidad en la construcción del EEES: una experiencia en investigación-acción

  1. Terrón López, María José 1
  2. Blanco Archilla, María Yolanda 1
  3. Berenguer Císcar, Fernando Juan 1
  4. Learreta Ramos, María Begoña 1
  1. 1 Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Madrid, España


15º Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas

Publisher: Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Valladolid

ISBN: 9788469075470

Year of publication: 2007

Type: Conference paper


The Bologna process aims to create an European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by 2010, therefore a great transformation must be assumed from the point of view of the educational management as well as the intervention in the classrooms. Necessary changes in teaching must be carried out from the coordination of the implied staff. This work is within the framework of a multidisciplinar research project at the Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM) about the necessity of the academic staff coordination to build the EHEA. In this paper, we describe how action-research has been developed in that sense by a group of the academic staff of the UEM Polytechnic School generating some research about the new needs. The thematic of the analysis-development of this experience has been classified in the next fields: - From the individualistic teaching paradigm to the collaborative one (need of coordination of the academic staff). - From the memoristic learning process paradigm to the skills one (need to select skills to be developed in the classroom). - From the passive learning process to the active one (making the student a part of his learning process).Teaching staff reflexion about these paradigms and its repercussions are the core of this paper

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