De las emociones naturales a la emocionalidad artificial

  1. José Miguel Biscaia Fernández
Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía

ISSN: 0210-4857

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 48

Pages: 105-139

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía


Innovation in artificial intelligence is at the forefront of science and technology, and many of its applications already have high human interactivity. Given that we are emotional beings, and that this psychobiological quality is key to our positioning in the world, it seems necessary to make a deep reflection on the affective spectrum of the human-machine dyad. This essay proposes the term of “artificial emotionality” as a holistic concept capable of approaching this analysis from a triple perspective: that of cognitive and computer sciences, that of neuroscience and psychology, and that of theoretical and practical philosophy. Starting from the description of natural emotions, this study discusses the technical and conceptual possibility and the bio-psycho-social consequences of an artificial intelligence capable of recognition, simulation, manipulation and emotional experience. After said analysis it is concluded that the first two capabilities are already in a certain way possible and desirable, while the last two face techno-scientific, ontological, epistemological and neuroethical difficulties widely discussed by transhumanism.

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