La creación audiovisual de los estudiantes universitarios para fortalecer las competencias comunicativo-digitales

  1. Álvaro Pérez-García
  2. Ignacio Sacaluga-Rodríguez
Creatividad y sociedad: revista de la Asociación para la Creatividad

ISSN: 1578-214X 1887-7370

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Creatividad y medios de comunicación en el contexto digital

Issue: 33

Type: Article

More publications in: Creatividad y sociedad: revista de la Asociación para la Creatividad


This paper, which arises within the I+D+i project with reference EDU2015-70491-R and entitled “Evaluation and development of two generic competences in first-year students of the grade of teacher in primary education”, aims to show the shortcomings that the University students and, specifically, future teachers of primary education, possess when it comes to using audiovisual resources in the classroom, focusing on the creation of digital videos and audios as a didactic tool. To this end, an extensive questionnaire was created that worked on various aspects of digital competence, although only the results related to the audiovisual are going to be presented. After obtaining the results, which made clear the gaps of the students regarding the didactic-creative use of the audiovisual, and in order to correct these insufficiencies, the implementation of an online training program is proposed, based on the affective e-methodology. Learning, in which through a series of activities is intended to improve the communicative-digital competence of these students, helping to promote knowledge about audiovisual tools. One of the aspects worked out in this “Interuniversity Program of Specialization in Communication-Digital Competences”, which will be implemented on the students of the first year of Primary Education of the University of Oviedo, University of Jaén and University of Granada, is the creation of videos and audios in a creative way. Subsequently, it will be verified if in the posttest results the students improve in the studied aspects, concluding the importance of a good technological literacy as the main base for the teachers to have good communicative and digital competences.