Estudio in vitro aleatorizado de la capacidad de obturación de Guttacore y Thermafil Plus mediante cortes transversalesArtículo ganador del Premio al Mejor Artículo Científico Universidades de la CAM 2014

  1. Algar Pinilla, Juan
  2. Estévez Luaña, Roberto
  3. Valencia de Pablo, Oliver
  4. Pérez Alfayate, Ruth
  5. Cisneros Cabello, Rafael
Científica dental: Revista científica de formación continuada

ISSN: 1697-6398 1697-641X

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 11

Issue: 3

Pages: 7-12

Type: Article

More publications in: Científica dental: Revista científica de formación continuada


The success of the root canal treatment takes of in a suitable cleaning, shaping and obturation of the root canal system. Aim: To compare the PGFA (percentage of guttapercha-filled area) obtained by Guttacore and Thermafil Plus obturation systems using histologic sections. Metodology: a randomized in vitro trial was done on 23 canals in which the angle of curvature was between 21-40º. The instrumentation was done untill a 30.04 file reach the working lenght. After the final irrigation activated with ultrasound, canals were obturated with Thermafil Plus and Guttacore obturation systems. horizontal sections were cut 2, 5 and 8mm from the apical foramen of each tooth. The crosssectional area of the samples were taken under photographs to 2.5x increases. The PGFA was calculated. Results: All the canals obtained more than 95% in average of PGFA (Guttacore: 98,16% at 2 mm, 96,77% at 5 mm and 98,46% at 8 mm; Thermafil: 98,73% at 2 mm, 98,89% at 5 mm and 100% at 8 mm). Significant differences were found between the grups in the cross-sectional area at 8 mm (p=0,011). Conclusions: 1) Thermafil plus gets significantly higher values of PGFA in the crosssectional area at 8 mm. 2) No significant difference was found between 2 and 5 mm 3) Other studies about comparation of Guttacore are needed.