Influencia de práctica deportiva en la autopercepción de desarrollo de las competencias

  1. Daniel Frías López 1
  2. Álvaro Fernández Luna 1
  3. Jose Luis Felipe Hernández 1
  1. 1 Universidad Europea
Revista Española de Educación Física y Deportes: REEFD

ISSN: 1133-6366

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: XIV Congreso Internacional AEISAD

Issue: 418

Pages: 626-630

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Española de Educación Física y Deportes: REEFD


The Skills, in European Area of Higher Education, have become an indispensable element and have been assumed by most university systems in Europe. The society demands pro-fessionals with a solid theoretical and practical learning in different ar-eas of knowledge, but also with a high level of Skills that allows them a rapid integration into the labour market. The practice of physical ac-tivity has been associated with aca-demic performance in numerous studies, there is little investigations where correlate physical activity with the acquisition of skills. There-fore, the aim of this study is to provewhether the sport influences the per-ception of skills in college students. A pre-post assessment of per-ceived competences was made to college students of different areas at European university (n = 93) after an exercise intervention of 3 months. The exercise consisted of aerobic and strength-interval for the prepara-tion of the event Reebok Spartan Race®. The instrument used was a questionnaire of self-perception of competence development. Also, the assessment of physical fitness was developed through Coursse navette test. The results show that there is a positive correlation between im-proved physical fitness and self-perception of skills, among which are: teamwork, interpersonal skills, Will to succeed. The practice of physical activity seems to be an ele-ment that favors the self-perception of general skills for professional de-velopment. But more studies are needed to corroborate this relation-ship.

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