Estudio de los factores críticos de éxito en los centros fitness de gestión privada de la comunidad de madrid

  1. León Quismondo, Jairo
Supervised by:
  1. Pablo Burillo Director
  2. Jorge García Unanue Co-director

Defence university: Universidad Europea de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 11 June 2019

  1. Benito Pérez González Chair
  2. Álvaro Fernández Luna Secretary
  3. Luis Pedro Camelo Vilar Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 596940 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


Abstract: The increase of the level of physical activity in today’s society has generated an exponential growth in the number of fitness centers. Given the great competitiveness and the need to seduce expert customers, managers’ decision-making should be appropriate. In order to determinate Critical Success Factors in privately managed fitness centers in the Community of Madrid, three different, but interrelated studies have been developed. Study 1, was conducted using semi-structured interviews on a sample of 23 managers, determined the most important elements, identified their main concerns, and established management standards. Study 2 applied Importance-Performance Analysis in a sample of 54 managers. Finally, Study 3 used a combination of Importance-Performance Analysis and the Kano Model on a sample of 419 users. The results showed that kindness dealing with clients, flawless group fitness classes according to the trends in the industry, closeness to members homes, cleanliness, marketing through social media, the quality of showers and lockers, as well as a high level of maintenance of material, equipment and activity spaces are Critical Success Factors. In addition, large activity spaces and peripheral services are critical in premium centers. Regarding swimming pools or SPAs, their presence should be subject to the need to differentiate from competitors. All this information is considered essential for fitness centers managers.