Publications (143) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. 'Olympic' centenarians: Are they just biologically exceptional?

    International Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 175, Núm. 1, pp. 216-217

  2. A multi-agent, in-vehicle database recorder system for supporting traffic hotspots detection, geographical representation and analysis


  3. A multi-agent, in-vehicle database recorder system for supporting traffic hotspots detection, geographical representation and analysis

    FUSION 2014 - 17th International Conference on Information Fusion

  4. A system for traffic violation detection

    Sensors (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 11, pp. 22113-22127

  5. ACTN3 R577X polymorphism and explosive leg-muscle power in elite basketball players

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Vol. 9, Núm. 2, pp. 226-232

  6. ACTN3 R577X polymorphism and team-sport performance: A study involving three European cohorts

    Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Vol. 17, Núm. 1, pp. 102-106

  7. Actividad empresarial y derechos humanos. Una propuesta de actuación práctica: el Anexo de respeto y protección

    Ecosostenible, Núm. 26, pp. 24-30

  8. Adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern and heart rate in the SUN project

    European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Vol. 21, Núm. 4, pp. 521-527

  9. Adherencia a la dieta mediterránea en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de la provincia de León

    IX Congreso Internacional de Nutrición, Alimentación y Dietética y XIII Jornadas Nacionales de Nutrición Práctica, 19, 20 y 21 de marzo de 2014

  10. Aerobic and strength training in concomitant metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes

    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 46, Núm. 7, pp. 1293-1301

  11. Aerobic fitness is associated with lower risk of hospitalization in children with cystic fibrosis

    Pediatric Pulmonology, Vol. 49, Núm. 7, pp. 641-649

  12. Anti-gout drugs as potential therapy for atrial fibrillation

    International Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 177, Núm. 3, pp. 1061-1062

  13. Análisis de balance competitivo de la NBA y las principales ligas europeas

    El deporte: dinamizador económico

  14. ApoE gene and exceptional longevity: Insights from three independent cohorts

    Experimental Gerontology, Vol. 53, pp. 16-23

  15. Applied sports science to military and police activities

    Open Sports Sciences Journal

  16. Are serotonergic system genes associated to smoking cessation therapy success in addition to CYP2A6 ?

    Pharmacopsychiatry, Vol. 47, Núm. 1, pp. 33-36

  17. Association genetic study within the framework of Zuckerman’s psychobiological personality model

    Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 60, pp. S51

  18. Autonomic adaptation after high-intensity interval training

    Endurance: Attitudes/Behaviors, Performance in Athletes and Potential Health Effects (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 17-28

  19. Balance competitivo en las ligas europeas de baloncesto y la NBA

    Cultura, ciencia y deporte, Vol. 9, Núm. 27, pp. 235-242

  20. Bases, mediaciones y futuro de la Educación a Distancia en la Sociedad Digital

    Foro de Educación, Núm. 16, pp. 225-226