Aportaciones congreso (8) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. ACT y sexualidad: Desde las disfunciones sexuales hacia unas relaciones más plenas

    Libro de abstracts del II congreso internacional de sexualidad: expresando la diversidad

  2. Determinants of maternal stress during COVI-19 outbreak in Italy and Spain: a cross-cultural investigation

    AITANA 7th International congress of clinical and health psychology in children and adolescents

  3. Eyaculación retardada y terapia de aceptación y compromiso: un estudio de caso

    Libro de abstracts del II congreso internacional de sexualidad: expresando la diversidad

  4. Methodological proposal for the development of computerized educational materials based on augmented reality

    2021 Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, ENC 2021

  5. Promoviendo la aceptación psicológica en un caso de identidad sexual y expresión de género

    Libro de abstracts del II congreso internacional de sexualidad: expresando la diversidad

  6. Spanish Children’s online collaborative storytelling during 2020 COVID-19 home confinement

    AITANA 7th International congress of clinical and health psychology in children and adolescents

  7. Teachers ‘perceptions about collaboration and inclusion using a tangible digital storytelling tool (i-theater) in pre-school and primary education: the included project research pilot study

    Edulearn 2021 Congress (13th Annual International Conference on Education and New Technologies for Learning)

  8. Teachers' perceptions about collaboration and inclusion using a tangible digital storytelling tool (i-theatre) in pre-school and primary education: The included project research pilot study

    EduLearn 21 Proceedings: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Online Conference. 5-6 July, 2021.