Department: MEDICINA



Doctor by the Universidad de Extremadura with the thesis Replicación inducida por estrés térmico en cromosoma y plásmidos de Escherichia coli 2007. Supervised by Dr. Alfonso Jiménez Sánchez, Dr. Emilia Carmen Botello Cambero.

Rocio González-Soltero holds a Master Degree in Biology from the University of Extremadura (1997–2002) and a Doctorate in Molecular Genetics from the same university (2007). After a post-graduate period at CNB-CSIC (2007–2010), she moved to the Universidad Europea de Madrid, where she currently combines her teaching duties as a professor of medical genetics in the Department of Medicine with research activities in the areas of molecular genetics and microbiota as the primary research area and digital health and medical education as the secondary area. She also managed academic duties as the Bioinformatic Master Program Director and Postgraduate Studies academic coordinator. She is the author of 20 journal articles indexed in the WOS (9 Q1, 4 Q2, 2 Q3, and 5 Q4) and many others indexed in Scopus, Latindex, and more than 10 book chapters or congress publications. She has also participated in competitive projects during the last 20 years, being the principal investigator of 5. She has presented communications at more than 70 national and international congresses, workshops, and meetings around the world. Dr. Gonzalez-Soltero is also very active in science outreach, having carried out science outreach activities since 2008 and, in recent years, participating in a FECYT project and in different media (European Media, UEM), Semana de la Ciencia, Noche de los investigadores, or el día del ADN. She is also part of the scientific committee of the association for the prevention of eating disorders, “Comete tus miedos.”. Concerning science transfer, she also collaborates with companies such as 24Genetics through a non-profit collaboration. She is also the author of a proprietary European brand based on an educational method (WSLA). Since 2008, she has supervised grade, post-graduated (master), and doctoral students; 3 doctoral theses have been read in the last 5 years under her supervision, and she has led 2 graduates and 10 master's theses.