Cronobiologíaaportaciones a la Medicina

  1. Rafael Ceballos Atienza
Natura Medicatrix: Revista médica para el estudio y difusión de las medicinas alternativas

ISSN: 0212-9078

Argitalpen urtea: 1994

Zenbakia: 36

Orrialdeak: 16-19

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Natura Medicatrix: Revista médica para el estudio y difusión de las medicinas alternativas


Rythm is one of the properties of living matter. All our activities have a higher and a lower phase in the day-night cycle. Physiological and biological rythms are known since ancient times. Pineal gland, also named the «third eye», has a essential role in biological rythms. Nightworkers orexecutives or pilots that suffer the named «jet lag» alter their biological rythms changing the cycle sleep·wakefulness. There are many efforts to find the marvelous medication for this situation. Researchers ay that perhaps melatonin hormone is one of the solutions for readjusting quickly the biological rythms, but results are not complete. Chronobiology treats to give light to the third eye.