Mujeres migrantes en tiempos de pandemiaRespuesta socioeducativa de la Unión Europea
- Adrián Neubauer
- Beatriz Atienza
ISSN: 0213-1269, 2253-8275
Datum der Publikation: 2022
Nummer: 31
Seiten: 199-216
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Cuestiones pedagógicas: Revista de ciencias de la educación
Coronavirus has forced to Member States to adopt urgent responses in different fields, as health, economy, education and social care. Consequently, the objective of this article is to identify the intervention proposals of the European Union (EU) to mitigate the effects and promote the socio-economic recovery of migrant women caused by the sanitary crisis. Also, it seeks to analyze critically if these measures answer to specific needs of this collective. For that, Documentary Analysis was the methodology used. Fifteen policies retrieved from EUR-Lex were analyzed using the MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020 software. A book of families and codes composed by five categories was designed: attitudes and antiimmigration measures; supportive attitudes and measures; education; gender equity; and pilot project. According to results, the EU integrates gender perspective in its policies from an intersectoral perspective in different fields: domestic violence, health, family reconciliation, research, response to the coronavirus, employment and education. In addition, it has promoted some pilot projects to empower migrant women. In conclusion, European policies prioritize social integration of migrant women through education and labor market. Finally, although in general terms they respond to the specific needs of this collective, some areas such as temporary employment, asylum seeker camps and the common migration policy require further progress in the next years.
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