Pensamiento crítico: de la teoría a la práctica
- 1 Si
Universidad Europea de Madrid
ISSN: 2794-0470
Año de publicación: 2022
Volumen: 1
Número: 02
Páginas: 7-15
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Criticæ. Revista Científica para el Fomento del Pensamiento Crítico.
The human being's ability to think is one of his most outstanding qualities, if we also take into account the relationship between thought and action, we can conclude that practically everything we do goes through that relationship, but let's go a little further. If to the fact of thinking we add a certain way of doing it, for example, critically, that relationship between (critical) thought and action, is it still the same?The development and application of the concept of critical thinking has received much attention in recent years, and there are many voices that warn about the need to promote it. In this article we will review some of its most important characteristics and try to answer the question we raised above, taking into account the current social context. But above all, what this article intends is to invite a reflection on the capacity that each one of us has to be able to change what we believe is not right.
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