Autoras feministas que están cambiando el humor gráfico

  1. Mara González de Ozaeta 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Tebeosfera: Cultura Gráfica

ISSN: 1579-2811

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 6

Type: Article

More publications in: Tebeosfera: Cultura Gráfica


This text wants to make a quick journey through the characteristics of feminist graphic humor from its beginnings to today. The text divides humor into three different categories based in their content and the force of their message. For one side the classic kind of humor, for the other transgressor humor and within this one, the Bechdel style (from Alison Bechdel), separated as a different category because of its high critical viewpoint. With these categories my goal is to explain with better precision what we can find in this genre that was less heard off in the past even though today feminist humor has a greater impact. Its presence in the media might be due to a mercantile feminist stream, but this reason is not changing its critic interpretation and its social contribution at all. Today we find a great number of authors practicing this artistic discourse and some of them do it in order to work on the historical genealogy or to give voice to LGBTIQ collectives. For all this, the critic must adopt alternative view-points to analyze graphic humor. View-points such as that of queer theories, that give importance not only to peripheral sexual identities and their normalization, but also all those sexual practices that were not yet represented in our popular culture.

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