La inversión directa extranjera en la industria españolafiliales de ámbito multinacional

  1. Durán Herrera, Juan José
  2. Pérez Hernández, Francisco
  3. Úbeda Mellina, Fernando
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Année de publication: 2011

Titre de la publication: Industria española e influencia del entorno internacional

Número: 380

Pages: 41-50

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Economía industrial


The industrial development of the Spanish economy is explained, to a great extent, for the role played by the subsidiaries of foreign multinationals and consequently by the foreign directs investment in the country. One third of the Spanish firms that have invested abroad in the manufacturing sector are subsidiaries of foreign multinationals. They are subsidiaries with world (international) mandate. The factors that explain this international mandate are confidence by the parent company (strategic role of the subsidiary) which is related to age, size and type of activity

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