BIM en el diseño y cálculo de un viaducto ferroviario de acceso al Puerto de Castellón (España)

  1. Pablo García-Valcarce
  2. lván Vilardaga-Rodrigo
  3. Juan Guerra-Torralbo
EUBIM 2019. Congreso internacional BIM/ 8º encuentro de usuarios BIM
  1. Fuentes Giner, Begoña
  2. Oliver Faubel, Inmaculada

Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 9788490488058

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 97-104

Congress: Congreso Internacional BIM. EUBIM (8. 2019. Valencia)

Type: Conference paper


On account of the necessity of the introduction of BIM methodology in the fields of Architectureand Civil Engineering; the following Final Degree Project; has been carried out; applying thismultidisciplinary procedure with the aim of training students in the usage of said system.The project aims to provide a series of preventive measures to a future rise in sea level inCastellón de la Plana. The proposal includes a renovation of the Port that would aid in holdingup against the rise of the sea; a 2Km viaduct serving as a connection between the mainlandand the port; and a parking lot.In the model; a rendition of the hypothetical effects was developed in order to see how the areawould be affected. Then; a terrain model and the elements of each structure were generated; inmy case: footings; abutments; piles; prefabricated beams; external tensioning andsuperstructure.Once the model was created; the plans of structures were generated; a video that allows for a5D simulation of the construction process with its Budget; and a video that allows the finalvisualization of construction with the capability of being observed with the use of virtual realityglasses.