"Bid data". Un nuevo paradigma de análisis de datos

  1. Maté Jiménez, Carlos
Anales de mecánica y electricidad

ISSN: 0003-2506

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 91

Fascicle: 6

Pages: 10-16

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de mecánica y electricidad


An unquestionable fact is the vast amount of information that each second is now generated on our planet. This information can be structured, semi-structured or unstructured. It can also bring tremendous value to any entity or may lead to undue consumption of human or computing resources. Intelligent analysis (generally in real time) of this information is becoming absolutely undeniable for the survival of many companies and organizations. As a result demand for the so-called �data scientist� is growing exponentially and new concepts like big data, Mapreduce, Hadoop or cloud computing have emerged. This article presents an informative introduction to all these terms and analyzes the best known structures for the treatment of big data, as well as legal and ethical issues