Variables and instruments for assessing mental health in competitive swimmers: A narrative review

  1. Alfonso Trinidad 12
  1. 1 Education and Humanities, Campus Madrid, European University, Madrid, Community of Madrid, 28670
  2. 2 Aqualab Research Group, Campus Madrid, European University, Madrid, Community of Madrid, 28670

ISSN: 2046-1402

Ano de publicación: 2023

Volume: 12

Páxinas: 1281

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: F1000Research


Background : Mental health issues are becoming increasingly prevalent among elite athletes, and during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, this issue became a pressing concern. In particular, several athletes complained about their mental health in relation to the highly demanding demands of their sport. High-performance swimming exposes athletes to a variety of stressors due to the physical, technical and mental demands of the sport. The study has carried out a narrative review of the main variables related to mental health, their dimensions and evaluations in competitive swimmers. Methods : Clearly planned and ordered potential studies were identified using combined search methods. The search was carried out in different bibliographic databases (Dialnet, Web of Science and Scopus) between 1990 and 2023. We then searched Google Scholar and manually searched the reference lists of the retrieved studies to identify potentially eligible studies that were not included in the electronic searches. The studies were examined from three different perspectives. Firstly, the methodology, sample, swimming categories and their relationship with mental health were analysed. Secondly, the variables related to mental health symptoms and disorders. Finally, the main mental health analysis tools and the conclusions of the studies. Results : The concept of mental health in competitive swimmers needs to be clarified in the scientific literature, as different variables have been analysed and multiple instruments have been used with small samples of swimmers, without any intervention and prevention protocol. In addition, the bodies and institutions involved should work in an interdisciplinary and collaborative manner, establishing specific programmes to ensure effective prevention and care. Conclusions : Studies are needed to fill this gap and it is necessary to work under the same consensus and in collaboration with specified technical teams. In order to monitor, evaluate and provide services through detection tests and support to swimmers in their training and competitions.

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