The influence of religion in market research in Islamic countriescase study of rice market in Saudi Arabia

  1. Checa Prieto, Susana Beatriz 1
  2. De Pedro Navarro, Lisardo 1
  1. 1 EAE Business School
Journal of the sociology and theory of religion

ISSN: 2255-2715

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 9

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24197/JSTR.0.2020.82-98 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Journal of the sociology and theory of religion


The relationship between globalization and religion is one with furthering challenges. In globalization processes, when a company considers going into a new market the first concern that raises immediately is the development of an ad hoc market research. The launching of a product like rice, which target audience is the housewife, has important challenges in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia. How can you tackle people who for religious or cultural reasons have limited contact with people who are not in their family environment? How can a firm determine purchasing decision factors or affinity to brands?

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