Lecciones para el futuro sobre la aplicación del art. 50 del Tratado de la UElos derechos relacionados con la residencia
Universidad Europea de Madrid
ISSN: 1139-5796
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakia: 39
Orrialdeak: 35-70
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: RUE: Revista universitaria europea
We can affirm that the British exit from the EU has dealt a traumatic blow to the aspirations and future of the European integration project. This fact has jeopardized various issues, such as the residence rights of citizens. In this sense, the present work considers the aforementioned and only Withdrawal Agreement, with a view to outlining a better legal scheme that allows for a better solution both for the nationals of the Member State that decides to leave the Union and for European citizens, In the event that art. 50 TUE.