Effects of continuous and partial reinforcement over the acquisition of a specific criterion of response in rats
- García Leal, Óscar 1
- Saldivar Olivares, Gamaliel 1
- Diaz Lemus, Carlos Augusto 1
- Alfaro Hernando, Luis 1
Universidad de Guadalajara
ISSN: 0020-7594, 1464-066X
Year of publication: 2008
Volume: 43
Issue: 3-4
Pages: 139-139
Type: Article
More publications in: International Journal of Psychology
Two groups of rats were exposed to a differentprogram of reinforcement: continuous vs partialreinforcement. The rate of responses was notconsidered as a measure of learning. The ratsshould wait for twenty seconds after a signal toresponse and get the reinforcer. If the rats responsebefore twenty second the timekeeper was reinitialized. One group got the reinforcer every time thecriterion of response was satisfied; the other got thereinforcer with a probability equal to 0.5. Data about the acquisition and extinction ofthe responsecriterion are presented. Likewise, the distributionsof the responses are discussed.