Sustainability in construction projectsanalysis of a building with two sustainable assessment tools

  1. Rodríguez López, F.
  2. Fernández Sánchez, Gonzalo
Selected Proceedings from the 13th International Congress on Project Engineering: Badajoz, July 2009

Éditorial: Asociación Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO)

ISBN: 978-84-614-0185-7

Année de publication: 2010

Pages: 178-187

Congreso: Asociación española de ingenieria de proyectos. AEIPRO.International Congress on Project Engineering (13. 2009. null)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


Sustainable Development has found its application in urban scope with the appearance of Agenda 21 in Rio Earth Summit in 1992 and in the construction sector with Sustainable Construction concept in 1994. Since then, the use of sustainability indicators have settled down as necessary means for the control and monitoring of new sustainable objetives within the construction projects. As well, sustainable indicators are used as a tool for decision-making process. In this paper it has been studied the state of knowledge of sustainability indicators system in building sector by means of a revision of the documentation and the analysis of a building case study by two different tools and it is marked the future research in this knowledge area.