Desvelando el potencial de lo ya conocidoComedor y salón de actos del colegio Brunswick. J. Gowan y J. Stirling (1956-1963)

  1. Mosquera González, Javier 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
VAD: veredes, arquitectura e divulgación

ISSN: 2659-9139 2659-9198

Année de publication: 2021

Titre de la publication: The opportunities

Número: 5

Pages: 82-92

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: VAD: veredes, arquitectura e divulgación


Synthesis of a professional association between J. Gowan and J. Stirling, the pavilion for the Brunswick school condenses the strategies and work tools applied in the projects carried out by both between 1956 and 1963, and that it advances others that later they will use individually. A personal language characterized by an inclusive attitude, in which the idealistic vision of the first stage of the Modern Movement discovers the potential of the traditional architecture in England, industrial and domestic, as a source of references to propose an alternative. Against the progressive dehumanization of the discipline, Gowan and Stirling they advocate a change through a system of orders compatible and not mutually exclusive. The relationship with the environment, the geometry and the functional organization of the project, and the reinterpretation of the elements and construction techniques; are the three aspects to develop an analysis of this project. A second-order work that has an additional didactic value by clearly showing the methodology of its authors. A rational response that admits plastic variations from the intuition, affecting the first, admitting both as possible.

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