Managing the risks of the Coronavirus Pandemic: the case of the Mediterranean island of Menorca
- Pastrana-Huguet, Josep 12
- Casado-Claro, Maria-Francisca 3
- 1 Consell Insular de Menorca
- 2 International Doctoral School, National University of Distance Education (EIDUNED)
Universidad Europea de Madrid
ISSN: 2212-6821
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal of Marine and Island Cultures
The COVID-19 crisis could act as a catalyst for a series of social, economic, and political changes since it has sensitized governments and institutions on the need for a structural paradigm shift in their growth models from a triple economic, environmental and social perspective. This article offers a case study of the Spanish island of Menorca and its incidence rates in comparison with other territories of the European Union and Spain. Furthermore, we offer a brief description of the current context of the island and its function during the 19th century as a point of control and containment of infectious diseases in the Lazaretto of Maó. This study intends to interpret how the COVID-19 management has been carried out considering the actions made at the State, regional (autonomous community), insular and local levels. The paper is focused principally on the preventive actions at the insular level to know if some of these actions made during the crisis Covid and insular particularities before the start of the pandemic are conditions for the control of the COVID-19 and its incidence rates on the island.
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