Los nuevos modelos de negocio como pilares en la mejora del beneficio social

  1. Carmen Cambero Mogena
  2. Isidro Sánchez-Crespo Pérez
  3. Willie José Betancourt Simoza
Comunicación, Periodismo y Publicidad: retos profesionales en tiempos de crisis
  1. Hidalgo-Mari, Tatiana (coord.)
  2. Herrero Gutiérrez, Javier (coord.)
  3. Segarra Saavedra, Jesús (coord.)

Verlag: Fragua

ISBN: 978-84-7074-886-8

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Seiten: 93-102

Art: Buch-Kapitel


The appearance of the first pandemic of this century will stay on the mind of all our generation, an impact without precedence over all the economies around the world but over all the things the cognitive cost that is still difficult to estimated, this events will be part of the new concept called «new normality». This event has generated new challenges for the society, where people are against to lose their rights to travel freely, keep our levels of social relationship or just feel connected together and additionally they have learned how many of their daily activities impact the environment. Develop new business models that have as goal to meet the social welfare, keeping our compromise with the planet healthy, are generating that concepts like the economy of the common good and the fourth sector, have started to make eco across many channels, generating a new opportunity to combine the power of the recent connectivity with longer and more responsible relationships between people, enterprises and the environment. New business models fully digital, focus on optimize the user experience in places like, hotels, airports and restaurants, supported by the use of new technologies like artificial intelligence are enabling complete process automation and zero impact actions over the environment from an ecological perspective, recovering the equilibrium and sustainability with the planet.