Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms and the Performance of Franchise Systems: An Empirical Study
- José Ignacio López Sánchez 1
- Beatriz Minguela-Rata 1
- Mª Concepción Rodríguez Benavides 1
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 1993-8233
Year of publication: 2010
Volume: 4
Pages: 396-405
Type: Article
More publications in: African Journal of Business Management
In this study the influence of the mechanism used to transfer knowledge (operating manuals, training, support services provided) on the performance of franchise systems is analysed. For this purpose a multiple linear regression analysis has been carried out on a sample of franchised establishments from different franchise chains and a variety of business sectors, all operating within Spain. The study uses a subjective measurement of performance. The results of the regressions seem to indicate that the factor with the greatest impact on the performance of franchise systems is on-going support services that the franchiser provides to the franchisee.
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