Modelos de entrenamiento de fuerza orientados al desarrollo de la potencia muscular en adultos mayores sanosrevisión de la evidencia actual

  1. Plana Cases, Oscar
  2. Maroto Sánchez, Beatriz 1
  3. Medina Pérez, Carlos 1
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla

    Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla

    Burgos, España


Habilidad Motriz: revista de ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte

ISSN: 1132-2462

Any de publicació: 2018

Número: 50

Pàgines: 12-22

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Habilidad Motriz: revista de ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte


The objective of this research was to describe the results of the studies that employ high-speed power training in healthy older adults. A literature review of studies published between January 2001 and April 2017 in the PubMed, Scopus, Dialnet and MEDLINE databases was carried out. From 149 articles collected, 14 fulflled the inclusion criteria. In 100% of the articles reviewed, muscle power increased in experimental groups that performed high speed power training. Moreover, in 92.9% of the articles, the high speed power training improved functional performance, balance, and execution time in older adults in experimental groups. It could be concluded that high speed power training is a suitable tool to maintain or enhance muscle power and functional performance in healthy older adults

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