Influencia de los programas de cálculo simbólico (CAS) en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas

  1. Belén Urosa Sanz Zuzendaria
  2. Ángela Jiménez Casas Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 2016(e)ko urtarrila-(a)k 22

  1. Elena Martín Ortega Presidentea
  2. Javier Rodrigo Hitos Idazkaria
  3. Isaías Uña Juárez Kidea
  4. Ignacio Gonzalo Misol Kidea
  5. Pilar Martínez Clares Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 406413 DIALNET


This paper analyzes the influence of computer algebra system (CAS) in learning the subjects of Mathematics (Algebra and Calculus) taught in the first year of Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid. Therefore, in the first phase of this study, the analysis of the responses from students in the first year engineering course 2007-2008 to the problems proposed in the various tests, and taking into account the different methodologies followed in the subjects free configuration where solved problems using the CAS, a detailed analysis of the effect and degree of influence in understanding course (Calculus or Algebra) of mathematical concepts is initially identified. The main consequence which is reached after the first phase of the study is that the insertion is recommended in the curriculum of the subjects of Calculus and Algebra practices where they used the CAS. A comparative analysis of the structure of the practices in the subjects of free configuration where the CAS is used, and important conclusions on how these structural differentials are obtained, affecting a greater or lesser extent in understanding mathematical concepts of each one of the analyzed subjects (Algebra and Calculus). In the second phase, in order to complete the study carried out in relation to the better understanding of mathematical concepts using the CAS, and incorporating the recommendations and conclusions that were reached after completion of the first phase of the study ( the use of CAS provides good results in the sense that there are mathematical concepts that are best understood by those students have used these tools), a second phase of study in which the degree of understanding of the concepts discussed begins mathematicians, in subjects who are already integrated into their curriculum practices with CAS. In this new phase we proceed to analyze the degree of compression of the concepts studied in the first phase, but now for the subjects of mathematics first degree course in Electromechanical Engineering academic year 2010-2011, which already have integrated the CAS on your resume. The study in this second phase, comparing the results with those obtained it in the first phase; new educational actions are proposed in order to improve understanding of basic mathematical concepts identified. Keywords: Mathematics, Engineering, symbolic computation programs (CAS).