Efecto de la disponibilidad de recursos energéticos en la sensibilidad al riesgo en ratas "Rattus norvegicus"

  1. García Leal, Óscar
  2. Saldivar Olivares, Gamaliel
  3. Díaz Lemus, Carlos A.
Acta comportamentalia: revista latina de análisis del comportamiento

ISSN: 0188-8145

Ano de publicación: 2008

Volume: 16

Número: 1

Páxinas: 25-40

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Acta comportamentalia: revista latina de análisis del comportamiento


A free-choice experimental task with rats (Rattus norvegicus), that simulates extreme foraging conditions in natural environments, was used to study risk-sensitive foraging (RSF). During the experimental session, two energy sources provide different rate of energy. Each one provide the same amount of resources (in this case, water), through the experimental session. being manipulated the delay of water gained on both sources. We compared the preference for one or the other alternative, constant delay versus variable delay, when rats 1) have sufficient energy resources to survive independiently of the water gained on the source choosen or, 2) their possibilities of survival depends on its choice. The results are similar as predicted by the Energy-Budget Rule (Stephens, 1981), emphasizing that the disponibility of energv resources is a relevant factor to explain risk-sensitive foraging not alone in smaller animals, but in bigger animals, at least rats, when the restriction in energy resources is severe.