La iluminación de murallas y recintos fortificados
ISSN: 0717-2508
Argitalpen urtea: 2005
Zenbakia: 10
Orrialdeak: 245-262
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anuario de la Universidad Internacional SEK
Since the beginnings of human activity, light has constituted a mysterious element related to religious worship. Afterwards, it became a factor which was controlled by man in all of its physical aspects. The continuation of that quasi-magical character in human mind gave way to many artistic creations that have in turn given birth to a great number of interpretations about how we perceive and understand light. Lighting allows us to isolate the building from interferences derived from urban traffic or, on the contrary, it can emphasize its relationship with the environment, acting, as happens in the case of churches and cathedrals, as a historical link between civil and religious life. Light can also serve to enhance architectural elements such as arches, cornices, decoration, surfaces or textures.