Estudio comparativo in vitro de la resistencia a la fractura en fatiga de coronas CAD/CAM totalmente cerámicas fabricadas con una solución Chairside cementadas sobre pilares de circona y titanio

  1. Giner Garrido, Sergio
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Pablo Gómez Cogolludo Doktorvater
  2. Guillermo Jesús Pradies Ramiro Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 von Oktober von 2020

  1. Francisco Martínez Rus Präsident/in
  2. Alberto Ferreiroa Navarro Sekretär
  3. Vicente Faus Matoses Vocal
  4. Laura Ceballos García Vocal
  5. Andrea Santamaría Laorden Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The evolution of technology and ceramic materials in dentistry has led to the appearance of new restorative solutions in the field of prosthodontics. The high aesthetic demand of our patients as well as being able to reduce the manufacturing time of the final restorations has made the dentist not only incorporate new materials but also change the workflow protocols in order to optimize the treatments. However, we do not know what the mechanical behaviour or predictability of these restorations is...