Los trastornos graves de la personalidad desde la perspectiva del enfoque modular-transformacional

  1. Ingelmo Fernández, Joaquín
  2. Méndez Ruiz, José Antonio
  3. de Iceta Ibáñez de Gauna, Mariano
Aperturas psicoanalíticas: Revista de psicoanálisis

ISSN: 1699-4825

Ano de publicación: 2012

Número: 42

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Aperturas psicoanalíticas: Revista de psicoanálisis


The first part of the article reviews ethiopatological and therapeutic principles of different approaches to severe personality disorders, specially borderline personality disorder. Traditionally, these approaches han been opposed and mutually exclusive, highlighting either intrapsychic aspects (more classical approach), or interpersonal ones. The second part, proposes the modular transformational approach for severe personality disorders management. This approach enfatizes the need for specific psychotherapy: adjusted to the psychopathological configuration of a given patient, with a given therapist, in each moment of the therapeutic process. The diagnostic method in this approach is detailled including the main anxieties in the hetero-autoconservative motivational system, considered specific for these disorders. Finally, general principles of the psychotherapy for these patients are presented, and in more detail, the use of coupling of experiences and strategies to develop reflective functioning.