Características del conocimiento transferido como determinantes del rendimiento de los sistemas de franquicia
- Minguela Rata, Beatriz
- Rodríguez Benavides, María Concepción
- López Sánchez, José Ignacio
ISSN: 1699-9495
Year of publication: 2009
Issue: 8
Pages: 235-262
Type: Article
More publications in: Pecunia: revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
In this paper the influence of tacitness and value of knowledge on the performance of franchise systems are studied. With this aim, a linear regression analysis is conducted on a sample of franchisee of different franchise chains and sectors of activity operating in Spain. In the model we added a control variable, named transformation, which representa the kind of activities carried out in the franchisee units: just commercial or transformative and commercial activities. The findings show that tacit knowledge has a negative impact on franchise systems performance, the value of knowledge affects it in a positive manner whereas the control variable is significant.
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