Publications (11) Publications in which a researcher has participated
Medicina Clinica
Chest pain with an elevated troponin level but without significant coronary artery disease is not usually due to an infarction.
Revista española de cardiología
Comments on: Papuloerythroderma of Ofuji associated with chronic lymphatic leukaemia (Eur J Dermatol 2009; 19(4): 396-7)
European Journal of Dermatology
Dolor torácico con elevación de troponina y coronarias sin lesiones significativas no suele ser infarto
Revista Espanola de Cardiologia
Hiperparatiroidismo primario por carcinoma de paratiroides
Endocrinologia y Nutricion
Response from Dr. Stephen Jódar
Avances en Diabetologia
Spasm provocative test in troponin-positive patients with acute chest pain and no significant coronary artery disease
European Heart Journal
Síndrome de Cushing independiente de corticotropina secundario a hiperplasia suprarrenal macronodular
Endocrinologia y Nutricion
The effects of strontium ranelate on biochemical markers of bone turnover and their relationship with bone mineral density
Osteoporosis International
Time for action regarding cardiovascular emergency care at sports arenas: A lesson from the Arena study
European Heart Journal
Transmural ablation of all the pulmonary veins: Is it the Holy Grail for cure of atrial fibrillation?
European Heart Journal