Publikationen (51) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben


  1. Abdominal flap for closing the donor site after groin lymph node transfer

    Journal of Surgical Oncology

  2. Age and cardiopulmonary resuscitation wishes of patients with heart disease

    Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia

  3. Alveolar Emptying in Mechanical Ventilation

    Archivos de Bronconeumologia

  4. Amenorrhea during thalidomide treatment: An unusual cause of ovarian failure?

    Medicina Clinica

  5. Atrial fibrillation in the elderly

    Journal of Geriatric Cardiology

  6. Atrial septum hematoma ― another way to die in acute aortic dissection ―

    Circulation Journal

  7. Biological Therapy of Refractory Ulcerative Oral Lichen Planus with Plasma Rich in Growth Factors

    American Journal of Clinical Dermatology

  8. Braquiterapia de alta tasa de dosis como monoterapia en cáncer de próstata: una revisión sistemática sobre eficacia y seguridad

    Actas Urologicas Espanolas

  9. CFFR as an alternative to FFR: Does the contrast still need to be contrasted?


  10. Circinate balanitis

    New England Journal of Medicine

  11. Comments on the value International Prognostic Score (IPS), stage IV and age over 45 years, for the outcome of advanced Hodgkin lymphoma in chemotherapy containing adriamycin. The experience of the Spanish Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group

    British Journal of Haematology

  12. Cutaneous drug reactions: Chemotherapy- induced hyperpigmentation

    European Journal of Dermatology

  13. Dermoscopic features in three cases of rounded and velvety epidermal naevus

    Australasian Journal of Dermatology

  14. Dermoscopic features of circumscribed palmar hypokeratosis

    JAMA Dermatology

  15. Diabetes and bone: An unexpected but intense relationship

    Revista de Osteoporosis y Metabolismo Mineral

  16. DietaDialisisQuiz. A multiplayer competitive serious game for learning during dialysis

    Enfermeria Nefrologica

  17. Eficacia de la terapia de ondas de choque de baja intensidad para la disfunción eréctil: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis

    Actas Urologicas Espanolas

  18. Erratum to: Neurofeedback for ADHD: a Critical Review and Suggested Future Directions (Current Developmental Disorders Reports, (2017), 4, 3, (86-93), 10.1007/s40474-017-0117-y)

    Current Developmental Disorders Reports

  19. Erratum to: Prolonged survival in patients with breast cancer and a history of brain metastases: results of a preplanned subgroup analysis from the randomized phase III BEACON trial (Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, (2017), 165, 2, (329-341), 10.1007/s10549-017-4304-7)

    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

  20. Evolution of Prognosis in Left-Sided Infective Endocarditis: A Propensity Score Analysis of 2 Decades

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology