DEPARTMENT: Odontología pre-clínica 1

FACULTY: Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas y de la Salud

Research group: SIMLAB


Doctor by the Universidad Europea de Madrid with the thesis Vulnerabilidad social y salud oral en la Cañada Real Galiana y El Gallinero. Un análisis crítico sobre la salud oral de este colectivo como expresión de la desigualdad 2024. Supervised by Dr. Ana de la Hoz Calvo, Dr. David González Alarcón, Dr. M. Lamas Oliveira.

- PhD from the European University of Madrid with the thesis Vulnerabilidad social y salud oral en la Cañada Real Galiana y El Gallinero. Un análisis crítico sobre la salud oral de este colectivo como expresión de la desigualdad, in 2024. Directed by Dr. Ana de la Hoz Calvo, Dr. David González Alarcón, Dr. M. Lamas Oliveira. - Coordinator of the Preventive Dentistry and Community Dentistry and Oral Public Health courses at the European University of Madrid. - Co-author of various articles published in scientific journals. - Co-author of various oral communications and posters presented at national and international scientific conferences. - Co-responsible for the social project “Basic Oral Health in the marginal area of Madrid: Cañada Real Galiana and El Gallinero” promoted by the College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Madrid (COEM), from 2011 to the present. - Project to improve oral health in the child population of the preferred intervention area of Ensanche de Vallecas. - Co-coordinator of the Conference on Cooperation and Oral Health at the College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the First Region (COEM). Period 2009-2014. - Member of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology and Public Oral Health (SESPO) since 2012. - Volunteer at the NGO Zerca y Lejos, in the Republic of Cameroon. Period 2009-present. - Young Solidarity and Human Rights Award. Complutense University of Madrid. 2014. - Plaque of Collegiate Merit for collaboration in the Cañada Real Galiana and El Gallinero de Madrid project. College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the First Region (COEM). 2014.