Cómo estudiar la interacción verbal en psicoterapia respetando su naturaleza interactiva y dinámica
- Pereira, Gladis-Lee 12
- Andrés López, Natalia 2
- Froxán-Parga, María Xesús 2
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
ISSN: 0213-3334
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 42
Issue: 2
Pages: 93-102
Type: Article
More publications in: Apuntes de Psicología
Does the empathy or personality of psychotherapists influence the way they do therapy? Is the therapeutic relationship the key to success? Questions such as these are commonly shared in Change Process Research (CPR) and outcome studies. However, these statements, posed in descriptive cross-sectional terms, often imply the use of strategies grounded in causal-linear explanatory models. The present study offers an alternative tool to measure elements of psychotherapy in dynamic, interactive, and interdependent terms. With nine observational categories defined under analytical-behavioral lens, the Acoveo System is an instrument designed to detect the potential functions of verbal exchanges that take place in the psychotherapeutic context from any theoretical orientation. A guide to its application is provided, and its usefulness is elaborated on two of the pivotal common factors in change process research: empathy and therapeutic alliance.