Vulneración "democrática" y sistemática del derecho fundamental al sufragio activo en caso de solicitud de inscripción en el padrón de un municipio diferente al vigente

Revista general de derecho constitucional

ISSN: 1886-6212

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 40

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista general de derecho constitucional


The objective of this article is to empirically analyze the situation and treatment of the fundamental right to active suffrage and, therefore, to participation in the political life of the country by any citizen in cases of change of registration, an administrative procedure that involves the immediate and automatic removal of existing census data, taking into account that registration in the register is declarative and does not constitute the right to vote, constituting an essential instrument for the exercise of the fundamental right to vote. The constitutional and jurisprudential requirements for the development and limitation of the content of this fundamental right are analyzed, as well as for its effective exercise in conditions of equality, transparency and equity.